
Saturday, 30 April 2022

NU results।। sms format

 All results of the National University see here....


Complete the flowing tasks: 

1. Select your nu course name
     For example: Honours/Degree/Masters 

2. Now give your roll & registration no.
3. Enter your exam year
4. Type captcha code
5. Now click submit.

                 Search result

                 Search again

Mobile sms method:

For Degree result

Type:NU [space] DEG [space] Roll/reg and send to 16222

example: NU DEG 123456 and send to 16222 

    For result: clik here

ForHonours result:

1st year: NU H1 roll/reg no. and send to 16222

2nd year: NU H2 roll/reg no. send to16222

3rd year: NU H3 roll/reg no. send to16222

4th year: NU H4 roll/reg no.send to 16222

For masters:

Masters first part: NU MP roll/reg no.send to 16222

Masters final: NU MF roll/reg no.and send to 16222

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